No Brilliant Jerks

We attribute it to Reed Hastings quote that says, “Some companies tolerate them.  For us, the cost to effective teamwork is too high.”

We Trust Your Good Judgement

We hire great people, give them great resources, and trust them to make good decisions.


Dig in and work hard, no one is a natural at construction.

We Before Me

Construction is a team sport.

Panic Slowly

Take a deep breath. There’s a solution to every problem, no matter how complex.

We didn’t set out to be different. 

We opened in survival mode, outsiders looking in. We were scrappy, yet quickly learned to excel by building relationships in an industry often defined by a lack of trust. 

Founded in 1998, Monteith Construction Corp. is committed to a locally based project approach anchored on providing partners with an exceptional experience at every touchpoint from conceptual design through construction. This means our accounting practices are just as important as our punch lists, our site signage just as important as our scheduling, to name a few things. 

Our team builds across North and South Carolina with the corporate headquarters located in Wilmington, NC, and regional offices located in Raleigh, Myrtle Beach, and Charleston. The hallmark of Monteith Construction is its people. Maintaining thoughtful and inclusive hiring practices has shaped a diverse and entrepreneurial-minded culture. 


Annual Volume


Travelers' Rating


Client Net Promoter Score


Employee Net Growth


Thriving Offices



Somewhere on our journey, we recognized our business is all about people.

It seems obvious in retrospect, but it was a significant shift at the time. We recognized people are the central characters of the stories that define our company…both the epic successes and the forgettable stumbles.

From there, it became simple.

Invest in people, personally and professionally. Cultivate a culture of trust that inspires people to do great things. Have the courage to believe in each other.

If you’re not ready to come to work and have a good time,

you’re gonna get dragged along with us anyway.