From napkin to new building.

Most of our buildings start as a dream, a sketch on a napkin, or a conversation.  It is our job to take that idea and turn it into a reality.


The goal of Preconstruction is to deliver the building you are dreaming about for the budget that you have. The first thing we do in Preconstruction is listen. We want to know and understand the goals and concerns of our clients. We know that we are building a structure that will become a part of our community - and we care that we get it right.

Our fastest-growing portfolio of work falls under Design-Build. Within this delivery method, the project design and budget come together consecutively with Monteith Construction holding the single contract with the owner group. For each project, we curate a design team of external partners—including architects, engineers, and specialty consultants—who are a unique match for the project based on several factors, including firm strengths and individual character and passions.

Safety Highlights

We employ a full-time Safety Team to execute and manage our construction site safety program, under the oversight of our Chief Financial and Risk Of ficer. Our approach to safety is that of a resource, not of a consultant. As result of our proactive and preventative measures, we currently have an Experience Modification Rating (EMR) of 0.79. An EMR of 1.0 is average, meaning the contractor is found to be no more or no less risky than all other contractors in the state. 

North Carolina Department of Labor Certificate of Safety Achievement

Monteith Construction has been recognized 16 consecutive years for our outstanding safety and health efforts, resulting in a substantial reduction of injuries and illness and the promotion of safer working conditions.

Carolina Association of General Contractors (CAGC) “Presidential” Safety Award Winner

For the past three consecutive years, the CAGC has honored Monteith Construction for our safety excellence, reinforcing the importance of safety daily, and demonstrating a commitment to safety to our partners. The “Presidential” designation indicates no lost time accidents on job sites.

N.C. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Division “Carolina Star Program” Participant

Monteith Construction currently has 5 Carolina Star Program recognized sites— meaning, those that are self-sufficient in their ability to control hazards at their worksites—with the opportunity to recognize more Carolina Star than any other general contractor building in North Carolina.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Certification

We stress the importance of ongoing safety training among our team members—both new and tenured. Currently, XX team members hold an OSHA-30 or OSHA-10 Certification, having completed training in the basics of occupational safety and health.

Sustainable Construction

We work to maintain our core values in everything we do and are built upon a foundation of uncompromising standards. As a general contractor, we believe it is critical for each of us to understand and implement practices that help move our industry towards being a more environmentally friendly one.

Our goal is to be a leader in sustainable construction. Currently, we are in a discovery and diagnostic phase to best understand in what areas and how Monteith Construction can reduce our negative environmental impact while advocating and implementing sustainable best practices.

SPOTLIGHT is a division of Monteith Construction, offering turnkey solutions to our partner’s shorter term and/or specialized construction needs—from upfits and additions to restorations, infrastructure upgrades and beyond.

What differentiates a SPOTLIGHT project tend to fall under $2 million in contact value, have a design nearing the permit set at time of Monteith Construction engagement. All projects operate under the umbrella of and leverage the horsepower of Monteith Construction at large—from estimating and operations expertise to trade partner relations, and above all, the standards of professionalism and business quality we have built our business upon.


Projects Completed in 2022


Largest project by volume 


Smallest project by volume 


Average project duration in months

From Our Partners

Even with two hurricanes, yes two hurricanes, since this facility has started we have been able to finish on time and budget. Hear that loud and clear, we delivered this building on time and budget.

Chris Coudriet, new hanover county manager, On the new hanover county health and human services building